Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Rubbish and Recycling

FAQ - New Waste and Recycling Collections

All the information you may or may not wish to know about weekly recycling and fortnightly rubbish, green waste and plastic bottles collection can be found on the Council website here:

One catch/con concerning plastic bottles:

Plastic bottles will be collected only if contained in a Swindon Borough Council clear plastic sack. They will be collected fortnightly on the same day as your garden waste.

The first four sacks will be provided free by the Council. A small charge of 20p will be made for additional sacks. This is to ensure that bags are collected full.

Four sacks only- free?? 20p charge for extra sacks will only discourage people from recycling plastics.

So will they fine people if they send their plastic bottles to land-fill?


Newsletter for the Broad Street Area Community Council

Litter and fly tipping continue to be a major problem in the Broadgreen area, no sooner has it been cleared by the council, there is more rubbish taking its place. We would like to see the back alleyways being regularly cleaned with the mechanical cleaners, but that is never going to be possible while they are being filled with large items of furniture and mattresses etc. The council will remove up to 3 items of bulky waste for £15 although there are also concessions to this price. Contact Swindon Commercial Services Call Centre on 01793 463463.

Next month it looks likely we in the Broadgreen area will receive another re-cycling box. From late July/early August we will be able to re-cycle clean glass, cans, textiles and foil as well as paper. This will be a weekly collection that will be sorted kerbside and not by residents.

Last month Skeetz Youth Club organised a successful morning go-carting at Winners in Wroughton. Despite half of the group being dropped at the wrong hanger leaving them with a mile to walk, it didn’t dampen anyone’s enthusiasm, and they all want to organise another trip there soon.

The Neighbourhood Tasking group, on which the BSACC has representation, is working closely with the Council, Police and other agencies. Through this, residents have input on issues such as houses in multiple occupancy and crime etc. as well as the central area action plan that SBC are now consulting on. This is a very important document that will affect the future of the whole of Central Swindon. Find out more about the tasking group here: www.broadgreen.squarespace.com

Opening times of the Broadgreen Centre police drop in point in May will be: Wednesday 9th and 30th 10:00 to midday and Wednesday 16th and 23rd 18:00 to 20:00

Do these or any other local issues interest, concern or affect you? If you live within the BSACC area then you are more than welcome to attend our monthly meetings held in the lounge at the Broadgreen Centre on the second Wednesday of every month. 7.00 pm for coffee and 7.30 pm start. Next meetings on the 9th May and the 13th June. Or email us at broadstreetcc@hotmail.co.uk