Friday, 11 May 2007


MATTERS ARISING: A resident of County Road has never seen any mechanical sweepers in the back alleys and even if they wanted to clean them in this fashion they would not be able to get down them because of the constant fly tipping.

POLICE REPORT: PCSO Cook reported back on the 3 major problems identified in the area. (1) Speeding vehicles. The police have been ticketing cars that are not taxed, insured or are speeding in the area. Recently a car was towed away for constantly speeding, a fine had to be paid for the vehicles release and if caught speeding again will be confiscated and crushed. (2) Drugs. They continue to fight the problem of illegal drugs and have had success with the conviction of a cannabis dealer. (3) Prostitution. There was a 3-day operation recently, aimed at targeting kerb crawlers and a number of them were arrested. As part of the ongoing situation the police are engaging with drug workers to help solve the problem from a different angle.

In March the Broadgreen NPT put together a newsletter detailing the above, they are available at the police point at the Broadgreen Centre. There was a general agreement by residents attending the meeting that it would be a good idea if these newsletters were delivered to every household in the area. PCSO Cook will look into this but the cost may make this impossible. But will put them in local shops for people to take and read.

Police are carrying out a consultation in the area, asking for people’s problems and concerns. This will then be put on a database to target particular problems.

Following the armed robbery on the shop in County Road, we were asked if we felt there was any more tension or worry in the area. The consensus was ‘no more than usual’.

The main concern was the media generally putting the area down in their reports. Calling the area a red light district and as quoted on radio 4 news, a ‘rough area of Swindon’ gives the impression that Broadgreen is a run down and deprived area and discourages families from wanting to live here.

Cars and vans are still parking on paths and in alleyways as well as lorries parking for long lengths of time while delivering to shops. Police do challenge all these problems when they come across them, and recently specifically targeted the alleyways.

A report from a resident to the police some 3 weeks ago, concerning an incident where they had nearly been knocked over by a taxi and subsequently verbally abused by the driver has not been followed up despite registration and taxi details being given to the police. PCSO Cook will follow this up.

Fly tipping is still a major problem in the area. Police have to catch people in the act, and is a council problem.


  • Cllr. David Wren – Full weekly recycling will begin end of July, we will all receive a second orange box at the end of June so we can recycle glass, cans, textiles, foil and paper. Not sure if we will have a fortnightly wheelie bins or a restricted bin bag collection, still to be sorted, but it will be rolled out from September onwards.

  • Swindon ServicesNo reply on the possibility of mechanical cleaning of alleys.

  • Rod Bluh – Reassurances that no decisions, discussions or promises of any kind have been made to STFC concerning their plans for the County Ground. He also clarified that their proposals have only been discussed in outline and nothing has been seen, although The Council will consider any sensible proposals at anytime which can take account of the needs of the town and the neighbouring community.
  • Gillian Morris and Anne Fisher (SBC) – Both are taking early retirement at the end of March. Sent a thank you to all colleagues in the voluntary sector that they have worked with through the community grants.


S/ADV/07/0429 – Display of promotional banners from 4 lampposts in Manchester Rd. The banners are for promotional activities of SBC in particular things like the Swindon Challenge and Get Active Week and so on. They have applied for a 5-year permission to display the promotional banners during various periods throughout the year.

S/07/0740/RO- Relocation of recycling facilities within car park (retrospective) Tesco. Ocotal Way.

S/06/2962/HD- Change of use from Class A1 (retail) to Class A3 (restaurants and cafes). REVISED PLAN, 18 Lagos Street.

S/07/0560/RO- Change of use from launderette to retail (class A1) 66 Manchester Road.

S/06/3119/RO-change of use from garage/store to retail unit 114 Broad St. REFUSED

CHAIR REPORT: Hopefully the Cohesion Day on the 28th April will see plenty of people come together and enjoy a fun afternoon. The cohesion committee have had 4 meetings and with only £1100 have, with prudence and thrift, pulled the event together.





  • Garage behind County Road-causing all sorts of problems with cars being constantly repaired and parked in the alleyways. There is also a build up of oil in the alley and used oil is being poured down the gully drains. Les will take this up with the environmental dept. and will ask the police to carry out checks on the vehicles in the alleys.
  • 10 pm extension of residents parking. Should be implemented within the next 2 weeks-Les to chase up.
  • 51 Manchester Road-Still people using the cafĂ© after 11pm closing time.
  • Waste baskets in the Broadgreen Centre would be a good idea to keep the litter down. Also more drunks are again spending hours on the benches in this area.
  • 154 County Road-garage at back of properties being used to repair cars- Planning enforcement looking into this.

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