Friday, 11 May 2007


Had a chat with the SBC wheelie bin 'salesman' at the cohesion event at the Broadgreen Centre on the 28th April.

All households around the Broadgreen area will have wheelie bins except Manchester Road and County Road, being busy main roads, they will take too long to collect. Unsure how they manage to collect the hundreds of bin bags at the moment.

They envisage the smaller size wheelies being suitable for the front gardens of terraced houses. If people accept the smaller ones, they will be able to have an, as yet, unspecified number of extra recycling boxes free of charge.

How will people who have a bit of greenery in the front garden and have no space for any size wheelie bin, store theirs. Each household will be able to discuss this with the new 'rubbish czars', they will be able to 'help' people with their problems.

We will not have to worry about moving the wheelies for collection, as the bin men will pull the bins out of front gardens, down the step and put them back after emptying. Perish the thought of this happening, they are not exactly careful picking up and putting back the recycling boxes.

We will be given 4 free SBC clear plastic bags for our fortnightly plastic recycling. These should last residents in their estimations 6 months (4 bags, last 6 months, fortnightly collection. Clever maths that one!) They are only giving out 4 because they want to make sure they are full right up before people put them out for collection. After that we will have to purchase more from the Council!!!

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